Saturday, January 29, 2011


 On Friday afternoon, Jarek and I took Max to Franklin, IN to visit Jarek's grandparents.  It was great to get out of the house and even better to get these priceless photos!  Nana and Grandad both held Max.  They are in such great shape.  Nana even made a cherry pie for us to enjoy during our visit and it was delicious.  Max is their fourth great grandchild.  While we were there Max's Great Uncle Charles and Great Aunt Julie stopped by and got to meet Max.  They told us some of their funny memories of raising three boys.  It sounds like Jarek and I are going to have a lot of interesting, unexpected things to look forward to in parenthood.  I just hope the projectile vomit lands on Jarek and not me someday!
Great Nana and Max

 Great Grandad, Max, and Proud Daddy

Great Grandad and Max

Great Aunt Julie and Max

Great Uncle Charles, Max, and Great Aunt Julie

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